Are you streaming but your stream viewers are unable to hear your party chat in discord? This is likely because you have your audio inputs and outputs set up incorrectly in discord and Streamlabs.

If you want your stream viewers to also hear your party then this guide will help you easily add your voice chat to Streamlabs. This is super handy if you are regularly playing team games on Twitch where communication with your team is key to your content.

Let’s jump into this easy-to-follow tutorial and show you exactly how to get set up.

Table of Contents

    How To Add Discord Voice Chat To Streamlabs

    Step 1 – Set Up Your Desired Audio Sources In Discord

    How To Add Discord Voice Chat To Streamlabs

    Open up discord and go to Settings –> Voice & Video.

    Set your desired Input device. This is most likely going to be your streaming microphone. Set your desired output device. This is likely your headset.

    If you want to be able to chat to your stream without talking to your discord party you should enable push to talk.

    Step 2 – Select Your Audio Sources In Streamlabs

    Open up Streamlabs and go to Settings –> Audio.

    Desktop Audio Device 1 should be set to the exact same Audio output source that you set in Discord. (For me that is “Speakers (Yeti Stereo Microphone)”.

    Mic/Auxiliary Device 1 should be set to the exact same microphone that you set in Discord. (For me this is “Microphone (Yeti Stereo Microphone)”.

    Step 3 – Adjusting Settings In Your Mixer

    You will now be able to see your input and output audio sources in your Streamlabs mixer. You can adjust the volumes of both in here. These audio sources will get output to your viewers.

    Now when someone is talking in your discord your viewers on stream will be able to hear what is going on in the party chat.

    If you want to have separate audio channels for Discord and your game for example you will need to use a third-party software such as Voice Meeter Banana to route your audio correctly.

    What To Do If Your Viewers Can’t Hear Any Audio

    If your chat cannot hear any audio you have likely set different speakers as your default in Windows settings.

    If this is the case follow the steps below:

    Click on the windows home button –> Settings –> System –> Sound

    Here you need to make sure that your audio Output is set to the same device that we selected in Discord and Streamlabs.

    You should also adjust your microphone to the same input device that we select earlier.

    How To Add Discord Voice Chat To Streamlabs

    Your viewers should now be able to hear everything clearly, including discord voice chat, your game and your voice through your microphone.

    How Can I Mute Discord So My Viewers Can’t Hear

    There may be times when you are streaming and you want to mute your discord so that you can talk to chat without interruption. There are two ways that we can do this.

    Method 1 – Set Up A Hotkey To Mute The Streamlabs Audio Source

    In your audio mixer in Streamlabs, you can mute your Speakers directly and this will cut off all audio to your stream. If you want to do this more easily while streaming I would recommend setting up a hotkey in Streamlabs OBS.

    This method is an okay solution however it will mute all of your PC’s audio on stream. You will still be able to hear your friends in chat and your viewers won’t hear any audio from discord or your game.

    Method 2 – Mute Your Discord Using A Hot Key

    Alternatively, you can use a hotkey in discord to toggle mute your discord audio. This is probably the better option as your viewers will still be able to hear your game audio or any music you have coming from your main audio source.

    Check out our article on how to set up discord hotkeys.

    How To Stream Discord Audio To Twitch

    When streaming to Twitch your Discord audio will need to be picked up by your streaming software. This is likely OBS Studio or Streamlabs. Ensure that the speakers your discord audio is output to, are picked up in your mixer on OBS/Streamlabs.

    As long as your streaming software is picking up this output source, your audience will be able to hear your discord chat.

    Wrapping Up

    Hopefully, you have now set up your audio correctly and your viewers can hear your game as well as your discord at the same time. Enjoy streaming and sharing your antics with friends on stream.

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