If you’re someone like us, then you might not want to strain your PC just to go through that new item that was added in Valorant. There is an alternative way to check out the goods in Valorant’s store without ever launching the game. In this guide, we will be showing you how to check the Valorant store without opening the game.

DISCLAIMER: Valorant Store Checker or VSC if you will and other similar applications and websites, are not authorized by Riot Games. Do not input your login details if you are not comfortable with sharing your information to a third-party website. Make sure you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled before you sign into the website.

Valorant Store Checker

Players can use the Valorant Store Checker to view all the items in a shop. Since Riot Games’ live service model is pretty adamant on adding new cosmetics to the game consistently, it piques players’ curiosity quite often to dive into the Night Market and spend a few bucks.

The Valorant Store Checker is actually a project made by the community itself, and it’s fairly easy to use.

  • Make your way to the website: https://valorantstore.net/
  • Go to ‘Home’ to see bundles available in the store
  • Go to the Daily Store
  • Log into your Valorant account
  • Now, you will be able to view the skins available to you in the daily rotation

The online store uses Riot’s API to obtain your information and will display all items available to you accordingly with respect to daily rotations. Other items can be viewed without logging in.

Overall, the website/application is fairly useful if you’re away from your computer and want to check if you got your desired skin in your daily rotation. It saves players a lot of time, eliminating the need to launch into the game in order to check the store.

Assist (@ValorLeaks)

You might be familiar with @ValorLeaks, whose real name is Mike. He released an application on GitHub that allows you to track your store daily. It’s being updated regularly and allows you to keep up with your daily rotations without having to launch the game.

You can check out Assist here. To get started, follow the steps below:

  • Download the application through GitHub.
  • Log in with your username/password.
  • Click on Store.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

As we mentioned, it is highly important that you activate two-factor authentication on your account prior to delving into any third-party websites for Valorant. Not everyone can be trusted with your log-in credentials.

To enable 2FA, follow the steps below and secure your account:

  1. Sign into your account on the Riot website.
  2. Head to the “Sign-In & Security” tab.
  3. Find the 2FA authentication card.
  4. Log-in to your E-Mail account.
  5. Open the MFA E-Mail that you will have received from Riot games.
  6. If you don’t receive any E-Mail, either check your spam folder or click ‘Resend email’.
  7. Click “Enable Two-Factor Authentication” button to secure your account.

And that’s it! With an extra layer of security added to your account, you should be good to go. It still isn’t recommended to go through third-party websites unless you trust them completely.

Wrapping Up

Overall, the convenience of being able to check the Valorant store away from your computer is definitely a plus. It saves you a bit of time, and if you find what you’re looking for, you can immediately log into your account and grab it while it’s up!

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