Overwatch 2 has just dropped and fans are loving it (when they’re able to play). If you’re new to the game you may find that you are getting destroyed in public lobbies. One of the best ways to practice is to create a custom game to play with friends or even bots.

This is a great way to train your aim and practice with a heroes abilities. Let’s take a look at how you can set up a custom game in Overwatch 2.

How To Set Up A Custom Game In Overwatch 2

Follow the steps below to create a custom game in Overwatch 2.

  1. From the Home Screen in Overwatch 2 select Play
  2. Scroll over and select Custom Games on the right side
  1. Press Square / X to create a custom game depending on your console. This will take you to the ‘Create Game’ screen where we can start customizing the game. You can select the Lobby name [Gamertag Game] and change the name of your lobby if you are hosting a private match.
  1. Decide whether you want the game to be for Everyone, Friends Only or Invite only. This will determine who can enter your game from your profile.
  2. Using the move button at the top, you can move players from one team to the other.
  3. Select settings to customize your private game. In the settings menu, you can customize the map, game mode, heroes and more.
  1. If you already know the game mode you want to play, check the presets menu to see if they have what you want to play. They have over 30 gamemodes in here already, chances are, they have what you’re looking for.
  1. If you want something more custom navigate back to the settings menu, select lobby and customize the game mode to your personal preference.
  2. To change the maps that appear in rotation in your custom lobby click on maps in the settings menu. Here you can turn certain maps on and off. If a map is set to off it won’t appear in rotation.
  1. In the Heroes section from the settings menu you can decide which heroes are available for players to use as well as customize each individual heroes abilities. Below you can see the vast amount of customization options available for a hero. You may want to adjust settings to make the game more balanced.

You have now successfully set up a custom game based on your own specific rules.

How To Save A Custom Game Mode In Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 gives you the ability to save your custom game modes so you can quickly load into them every time you play.

In the custom game settings, set up your desired game settings and navigate to the panel on the right side. Here you can give your mode a name and description as well as save it.

How To Add Bots To A Custom Game Overwatch 2

You may want to play against bots to practice with different heroes in Overwatch 2. To do this navigate to the create game screen and select ‘Add AI’ in the top right corner.

Once you’re ready go ahead and click on start at the bottom of the screen and your custom game will start up.

Wrapping Up

That’s everything you need to know about setting up custom games and lobbies in Overwatch 2. Jump into some custom lobbies and test out all of the new heroes and their abilities.

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