Valorant is Riot Games’ latest project that has sparked a thriving competitive scene in the FPS community. With millions of players – new and old to the genre – trying their hand at mastering this new game, for many, tracking their player stats becomes a necessity to improve.

With the stats that the game itself records for players being very basic, advanced players opt to instead use third-party stat tracking sites.

Steps To Make Your Valorant Account Public

Your Valorant account becomes public automatically when you log in with your Riot account on any online stat tracker. One of the most well-known trackers made by a Riot Games recognized third-party developer is Tracker Network.

It is advised that when logging in with your Riot account, you start with an incognito tab; that way, you would avoid accidentally being logged into someone else’s account that was already signed in on the browser.

Follow these steps to get your Valorant account public:

  1. Go to Tracker Network
  2. Sign in with the Riot ID you want to make public (or head on to Riot’s official website to create an account first)

And just like that, your profile will then automatically become public. To change your privacy settings later on, you must first claim your account by navigating to your profile page.

Tracker Network uses the original API provided by Riot Games with approved access and therefore doesn’t put your Valorant account at any risk. 

What Stats Can You Find In-game

The in-game stats you can find from the career menu show the scoreboard for your last 10 games, which can be helpful but is hardly enough data for players looking to improve their skills. 

Looking at a specific match’s scoreboard, apart from generic stats such as KDA, First Bloods, and Defusals, there are two that require some elaboration:

Econ Rating

Econ Rating, essentially, determines how efficient you are with managing your in-game economy. If you need to spend a lot of money to get a kill, the worse your Econ Rating will be. Typically, Econ Rating is calculated by tracking your damage dealt to enemies per 1000 credit spent – this includes damage dealt with both guns (you buy for yourself) and utility.

That means, if you spent 3,000 credits and dealt an accumulated damage of 300 to the enemy team, you basically earned an Econ Rating of 100.

Although Econ Rating is not a good representation of your skill or aim, it does indicate how capable you are with the guns and utility you purchase. Generally, an econ rating of 55-75 is considered average while 100 is very good. 

AVG Combat Score

Combat score refers to the impact you had in a single round, whereas AVG Combat Score (which is the total combat score averaged across all rounds) refers to your impact on the game as a whole. Thus, the higher the AVG Combat Score, the more impact you had, which is how Team MVP and Match MVP are determined. 

The combat score depends on the following:

  • Damage: You get 1 point per damage
  • Kills: You get 150 points for a kill if all the enemies are alive, 130 if four are alive, 110 if three are alive, 90 if two are remaining, and 30 if you kill the last enemy left standing. 
  • MultiKills: You get 50 additional points for each extra kill
  • Non-Damaging Assists: You get 25 points if your non-damaging utility helped your teammate secure a kill. 

At the end of a round, all of these points are added up to determine your combat score. And, at the end of the game, the average of your combat score across all rounds is taken to land upon the AVG combat score.

What Stats Do Third-Party Trackers Record?

These trackers go much more in-depth than what the game records for you, going over all the essential information such as your K/D ratio and headshot accuracy, but also more niche data, such as lifetime clutches, most used weapons, or your most successful maps/modes, etc.

Almost all of the figures would prove helpful for any player wanting to improve their skills and cross the ranks. However, the following stats are considered the most important:

Headshot Accuracy

As the name suggests, headshot accuracy refers to how consistent you are at popping heads. In any FPS game, especially tactical shooters, your ability to consistently hit headshots is what establishes you as a good player, making this stat an important one to keep an eye on.

Since highlights the headshot percentage in your last 20 games, you can effectively keep track of this stat and work on improving it. If you notice a dip in this percentage in your recent games that means you are slacking off in your aim and need to get some aim training done, especially if you are adamant about climbing the ranks. 

The Range or queuing up a Deathmatch are great opportunities for you to train your aim. But, keep in mind, you must focus on hitting heads if you want to improve your headshot accuracy. 

Agent Winrate

No doubt your mastery over an agent greatly determines how you perform in a game. You don’t want to go into a rank-up game with a new agent you’ve barely played before. That is why it is always a great idea to keep track of the agents you perform the best on. 

Not just that, this stat will also help you narrow down the agent you want to main. Naturally, you’ll want to main the agent you are good at, especially if you aim to climb up the ranks. 

Make sure to view your agent’s winrate across all acts and episodes to help you get a better idea of which agent you are the most proficient at. 

Why Should You Use Third-Party Trackers

Trackers, in this sense, are a great way of adding to the competitive enjoyment with your friends, as it allows you to check your standings on global leaderboards throughout the game’s episode-to-episode, act-to-act lifespan.

Recording your performance and displaying it to the world adds another layer of fun to Riot’s latest hit video game. And for high-ranking top players, it is a great way to help get your name out there and get recognized, helping improve the ecosystem of the whole community.

Wrapping Up

All of this shows just how vital online trackers can be in helping you improve your Valorant skills. We hope you followed the steps to make your account public and came that much closer to enhancing your Valorant experience!

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