Have you seen someone with a cool custom status beside their name in Discord. This is a great way to let people know what you are doing without using the default status. You have much more freedom. For example if you don’t want to be bothered you can set your status and explain to people you won’t be replying for X amount of time.

Let’s jump in and show you exactly how to set up a Custom Status in Discord. It’s actually really easy.

How To Set Up A Now Playing Status In Discord

To set a custom status in Discord follow the steps below:

  1. Open Discord on your desktop app or browser
  2. Navigate down to the bottom left hand corner and click on the settings COG
  1. On the settings page click on Activity Status on the left hand side
  2. Turn Activity status to on. This means that Discord will automatically update the now playing status to the game you are currently playing.
  1. If you don’t see you game in the “Added Games” Section you can add it by clicking on the “Add it” button beside “Not seeing your game?”.
  2. When you are playing a game you will see it in the now playing section just like below

That’s how you set a now playing Status on Discord. Now when you are in a server people will see the game you are playing just like the image below.

How To Set A Custom Status In Discord

You can also easily set a custom status in Discord to a message of your own. To set a custom status in discord follow the steps below:

  1. Open Discord on your Desktop or Web App
  2. Navigate to your profile picture in the bottom left hand corner and click on it
  3. From the menu select “set a custom status”.
  1. In this section you can select a custom emoji and write a custom message. You can also decide when you want this message to clear and go back to default.
  1. Now in servers people will see your custom status instead of the game your playing or a the default message.

How To Appear Offline On Discord?

If you want to appear offline on Discord you can also do this by setting your status to invisible in your status section. We created a full guide on how to use invisible mode on discord.

Read More: Check out our full guide on setting up a discord server for streamers.

Wrapping Up

That’s all you need to know about setting a custom status in your discord chat. You can now create some hilarious status’ to troll your friends. Enjoy!

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