On Twitch there is no way to see how many subs a streamer has without using a third party tool. If you want your viewers to have the ability to check how many subs you have you can use a custom command in the Streamlabs Cloudbot.

In this tutorial we are going to break down how you can quickly set up this command. Let’s jump in.

How To Set Up !SubCount Command On Cloudbot

To set up the sub count command on Twitch you will need to use a third party bot. In this tutorial we will be using the Streamlabs Cloudbot.

Step 1 – Make Cloudbot A Mod In Your Channel

If you have not already modded the Streamlabs cloud bot in your channel you will need to do this first. This allows the bot to interact and post in your chat. To do this open up your Twitch channel and navigate to Profile Picture –> Creator Dashboard –> Chat Box.

In the chat box type /mod Streamlabs

This will allow the Streamlabs cloud bot to interact with your chat meaning you can use commands.

Step 2 – Add A Custom Command In Streamlabs Cloudbot

Go to Streamlabs.com and ensure you are logged in with your Twitch account. Navigate to Cloudbot on the left hand side and ensure that Cloudbot is turned on.

Now that Cloudbot is on we can create a custom command. To do this go to Commands –> Custom –> Add Command.

We can now create our command inside the custom command editor. There is a few different options to fill in.

Command – This is what our viewers will type in to activate the command. For Sub Count we can set this to !subcount

Response – This is what gets returned to the viewer when they enter the command in your Twitch chat. I have included the code below so you can copy and paste into Cloudbot.

We Currently Have {channel.subs} subscribers on our channel!

You can customise this to your liking. {channel.subs} will display the current amount of subscribers that your channel has.

Reply In – For the subcount command I would set this to chat.

Permission – Everyone. Everyone watching your stream should be able to use this command.

Below you can see how the command should look when you have it set up.

You may also want to go into the advanced setting section and add a “User Cooldown”. This will stop the same user spamming the command over and over again in chat. I recommend setting this to 60 seconds.

Click “Confirm” to save your command.

Step 3 – Test The !subcount Command

You can now test to see if your command is working correctly in chat. Head over to your Twitch chat and type in the !subcount command. When set up correctly it will return the total subs on the channel. As you can see I haven’t been streaming lately and have 0 subs. Feelsbadman.

Wrapping Up

Now your viewers can keep up to date with how many subscribers you have on your channel using the subcount command.

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