Having a win counter on your stream can be a great way to showcase how well you’re doing in a session. Or maybe you’re going for record wins in a row or multiple nukes in a day in Call of Duty. In this article, I am going to show you how you can set up a win counter & death counter in Streamlabs OBS to help make your stream more engaging.

Let’s jump in and take a look.

How To Add A Death Counter On Twitch

To add a counter to our stream we are going to be using the Streamlabs Chatbot. You may be able to use another chatbot you have installed but we will be using the Streamlabs bot for the sake of this tutorial.

First, download the Streamlabs chatbot for free.

Set Up Streamlabs Chat Bot

Once you have the Streamlabs bot downloaded open the file and follow the on-screen instructions to install it on your computer.

Once it’s installed open the app and follow the on-screen instructions. During the set up you will create a new Twitch account which will act as your bot.

Feel free to call this anything you want. I call my bot MavrixBot as my channel is called Mavrix Gaming.

Once you have created this bot account you will then log into your actual Twitch account.

Once you have successfully logged into your account you will need to link your chatbot to your Streamlabs account.

Click Login to streamlabs and you will be directed to Streamlabs.com to login to your account.

Click approve to allow the chatbot access to your stream. You will then receive a Token to confirm your authorization.

Copy this token and paste it into Streamlabs Chatbot.

You can then setup your basic settings. I would select Auto connect on launch and everything else can be set to default.

Now your Streamlabs chat bot is set up and ready to go. We can now setup our Win Counter.

How To Setup Win Counter On Streamlabs Chatbot

While I am using “Win Counter” as the example here you can use the exact same method for any other counter you may want to setup (Win, Death, Nukes etc).

Step 1 – Set Up Your Counter

So to set up your counter open up the Streamlabs chatbot and go to counter on the left-hand side. You will now see the screen below.

Change the settings to the following as below in the screenshot:

Command: !wins
Message Template: Wins: # (# is the number of wins)
Start Amount: 0 (You can start at a different number if for example you’re continuing a win streak from yesterday)

You then need to click on start to make our counter live. Head back over to the console (Top Left Menu) in Streamlabs Chatbot.

Here you want to type in the command line “!wins 0”. This will set our win counter to 0.

If you have done this correctly you should see the message appear in your chat.

Step 2 – Add Your Counter To Streamlabs OBS

Open up your Streamlabs Scenes and navigate to the scene you want to add the counter to. Click on the + to add a source.

Select Text Source (GDI+) –> Add Source.

Give Your source a name that you can identify it with (Win Counter). Once you have done that the screen below will appear. Here we need to select the Read From File Option.

To find your file the easiest thing to do is navigate to the Shortcut For the Streamlabs Chatbot on your desktop –> Right Click –> Open File Location

Once inside this folder you want to select Services –> Twitch –> Files

Once inside this folder you will want to find the Deaths.txt file. This is the file that stores the information we input with our command.

If you want to navigate directly to this folder you can use this file path C:\Users\[YOURUSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Streamlabs\Streamlabs Chatbot\Services\Twitch\Files

You will need to make sure to switch it to your username.

On the deaths file right click and select properties.

Here you want to copy the full location line. We can then paste this into our text source in streamlabs. Make sure that the end of the link has \deaths.txt at the end or the counter will not display.

Click done and our Text File should now be appearing in our scene. You can play around with the font and size to make sure it looks good in your scene.

To increase the win counter you need to type !wins + in the chat. This will increment the counter up by one.

That is you now set up with a win counter. You or mods will be able to change how many wins/kills etc you have got on stream.

If you want to increment the counter without having to type in chat you can follow this guide below.

Set Up Hot Keys To Increment Your Counter

You are able to map a button to your counter so you can increase it without having to type in chat.

To do this open up Streamlabs Chatbot –> Settings –> Hotkeys

Scroll down until you see the counter section.

Here you will be able to map specific keys to change your counter. As you can see above I have selected NumPad7 & NumPad8 to Increase or Decrease my counter.

You will now be able to increase and decrease your counter without typing in chat.

You may also be interested in: How To Setup Hot Keys In Streamlabs

Ideas For Using A Death/Win Counter On Twitch

When you have a death counter on your stream, one of the best ways to make your stream more engaging is to have something at stake. Below are some examples of things you can do every time you die or every X times you die.

  • Do 10 Push Ups
  • Do 10 Pull Ups
  • Eat something unpleasant
  • Gift subs in chat
  • Etc

Wrapping Up

Hopefully, you have found it easy to follow this tutorial and get set up with your Win Counter. Now you can show off some of those insane win streaks on your stream. Enjoy.

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