Channel points are a great way to reward viewers for watching your stream. This is a feature that is built into Twitch meaning you do not need to use any third-party apps to get channel points working on your channel.

In this article we are going to show you how to enable channel points and how to customize them for your specific brand. Let’s jump in and get started.

How Do Channel Points Work On Twitch?

Channel points are automatically given to your viewers when you enable them on your channel. When viewers take certain actions on the channel they will receive a set amount of points. You can take a look at how many points a viewer will receive for each action below.

Earning ActionDescriptionPoints Earned
WatchingNon-subscribed viewers receive points each 5 mins of live watch time.10
Active WatchingNon-subscriber viewers receive points each 15 mins of live watch time. (Click to redeem)50
Participating In A RaidViewers receive points for joining a raid.250
FollowViewers receive points upon new follow. These points can be earned only once.300
Watch Streak 2Viewers receive points for returning for 2 consecutive streams. Each stream must be at least 10 minutes long and it must have been at least 30 minutes since the last stream ended.300
Watch Streak 3Viewers receive points for returning for 3 consecutive streams. Each stream must be at least 10 minutes long and it must have been at least 30 minutes since the last stream ended.350
Watch Streak 4Viewers receive points for returning for 4 consecutive streams. Each stream must be at least 10 minutes long and it must have been at least 30 minutes since the last stream ended.400
Watch Streak 5+Viewers receive points for returning for 5 consecutive streams. Each stream must be at least 10 minutes long and it must have been at least 30 minutes since the last stream ended.450
First CheerViewers receive points for their first Cheer on the channel per 30 days. Anonymous cheering will not earn points.350
1st Subscription GiftViewers receive points for gifting their first subscription on the channel per 30 days. Anonymous sub gifting will not earn points.500
Source: Twitch Channel Points

Once a viewer has earned points, they can then use them to redeem channel point rewards on your channel. Twitch has some default channel rewards as well as the ability to create your own custom awards for people to redeem.

How To Enable Channel Points On Twitch

To enable channel points on Twitch follow the steps below:

  1. Open Twitch and navigate to your profile picture in the top right-hand corner –> Creator Dashboard
  2. On the left side of the Creator Dashboard go down to Viewer Rewards –> Channel Points
  3. Ensure that “Enable Channel Points” is toggled On

You have now successfully enabled channel points on your channel. Viewers will automatically receive channel points for taking the actions mentioned above.

How To Enable Channel Points On Twitch Mobile

You can also enable channel points on your mobile by visiting the browser version of Twitch. Unfortunately, there is no way to enable channel points directly from the Twitch app. Follow the steps below to enable channel points on your mobile.

  1. Open this link on your mobile browser:
  2. Navigate to viewer rewards on the left-hand menu
  3. Select Channel Points
  4. Ensure that Channel Points is toggled On

You have now successfully enabled channel points on your mobile device.

How To Set Up Channel Point Rewards

Once you have enabled channel points on your stream you will need to set up some channel point rewards. After all, there is no point in your viewers collecting rewards if they have no way to redeem them.

To set up a channel point reward follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your Creator Dashboard on Twitch and go to Viewer Rewards –> Channel Points
  2. Click on Manage Rewards & Challenges
  1. In this section you can add new rewards or edit existing awards on your channel. To add a new reward scroll down to “Add New Custom Reward”
  1. Here we can customise our reward. The main things we want to consider are the reward name, description and how much it costs to redeem the reward.

    You can also give your reward a custom icon and change the background color.

    Set all of this up as you like. If you need some ideas for channel point rewards check our 20 Channel Point Ideas.
  1. Once you have entered all of the info about your channel point reward click on the create button to finalise it.

You have now successfully created a reward that your viewers can claim with the points earned from watching and engaging with your channel.

How To Change The Name Of Channel Points On Twitch

If you don’t like the idea of “Channel Points” you can change them to something a little more on-brand. For example if you stream Minecraft and your brand is based around Minecraft, you may want to call your channel points Diamonds.

To change the name of your channel points, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your Creator Dashboard –> Viewer Rewards –> Channel Points
  2. Click on “Customize Points display”
  1. Here you can change the name of your channel points and give them a custom icon E.G. Diamonds.

You have now successfully customized the name of your channel points as well as your channel point icon.

Channel Point Ideas

There are lots of different things you can do with channel points. Twitch already has a few simple redemptions built in such as Highlight my message, unlock a random sub emote etc. These can be turned off if you do not want to fulfil them.

If you want some extra ideas for your channel point rewards we recommend checking out our 20 Twitch Channel point ideas.

You also have the ability to do some interesting things with channel points such as gambling or Text to Speech by using third-party tools such as Stream Elements.

How To Set Up A Community Goal With Channel Points

Twitch have recently added a feature allowing viewers to crowd source a goal using channel points. You can set a number of channel points for a specific goal and viewers can contribute towards it collectively. Follow the steps below to set up the goal.

  1. Navigate to your Creator Dashboard on Twitch
  2. Go to the Viewer Rewards section –> Channel Points
  3. Click on Create A Community Challenge
  1. Fill in all the details of your challenge and click create.

Your viewers will now be able to contribute towards your community goal and eventually have you take on an exciting stream or challenge they have been waiting for.

Wrapping Up

That’s everything you need to know about setting up channel points on your Twitch stream. Your viewers will now be able to earn points as they watch and use them for different goals etc that you set up on your channel.

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