The 8ball command is a fun way to get more user interaction in your chat and can make for some funny scenarios. Just like a magic 8ball in real life the 8ball command will return a random answer in chat when prompted by a viewers.

Let’s jump in and show you how to set up the 8Ball command in Nighbot.

How To Set Up !8ball Command On Twitch

To set up the 8ball command on your Twitch channel you will need to use a third party bot. In this tutorial we will be showing you how to set up the command with Nightbot. If you haven’t already created a nightbot account head over to Nightbot and create one.

Step 1 – Mod Nightbot

To ensure that night bot works on our channel we will have to first mod Night bot in our chat. This allows it to pull necessary information from your channel and return it in chat.

To mod night bot head over to Twitch and open you Twitch channel. To do this navigate to your Profile Picture –> Creator Dashboard –> Chat Box.

In the chat box type /mod nightbot

This will mod the Night bot chat bot in your chat allowing you to use commands in your stream.

Step 2 – Add A Custom Command In Nightbot (8ball)

In Night bot navigate to Commands –> Custom –> Add Command.

We now have to create our command. There is a few different options we need to fill in.

Command – This is what users will type into chat to activate the 8ball. I recommend just keeping this as !8ball

Message – The message is what gets returned to the user when they enter the command in your Twitch chat. I have included the code below so you can just copy and paste the code into nightbot. Shout out to CalmCoolSavage on Youtube for providing the code.

Feel free to edit the start of the message or add in more responses in the code.

The Magic 8 Ball Says....  $(eval const responses = ['All signs point to yes...', 'Yes!', 'My sources say nope.', 'You may rely on it.', 'Concentrate and ask again...', 'Outlook not so good...', 'It is decidedly so!', 'Better not tell you.', 'Very doubtful.', 'Yes - Definitely!', 'It is certain!', 'Most likely.', 'Ask again later.', 'No!', 'Outlook good.', 'Don\'t count on it.']; responses[Math.floor(Math.random() * responses.length)];)

Userlevel – For this command you can set userlevel to everyone

Cooldown – You don’t want people to repeatedly spam the 8ball command in chat so I would recommend setting cool down to a minimum of 60 seconds.

Alias – You can leave this blank

Below you can see how the command should look before clicking submit to save the command.

We can now test this command on our stream.

Step 3 – Test The !8ball Command

To test if the 8ball command is working, head over to your Twitch chat and type in the !8ball command.

All you have to do to trigger the command is type !8ball in chat. As you can see below nightbot returns a random answer to your question.

It’s not looking too good for me in my next game… lol.

Wrapping Up

That’s all there is to it. Now you viewers can use this fun 8ball command in your stream to help them predict there future.

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