If you have been playing Fifa Ultimate Team you probably want to know how you’re comparing up to the competition. In previous versions of Fifa it was really easy to find your win loss record however in Fifa 22 it might be a little hard to find.

In this article I will show you exactly where to find your win loss record. If it’s anything like my own it was quite painful viewing…

How To Find Your Win/Loss Record In Fifa 22

Follow the steps below to find your Win/loss record in Fifa 22:

  1. In the Fifa 22 menus navigate to Ultimate Team
  2. When you are in the Ultimate Team menu click R1 to navigate to club
  3. When you are in the club section hover over stadium
  4. When you are hovering over stadium you will be able to see your win, draw, loss record
Source: iHazCarrot

You can now see your win loss record and see how you’ve been doing. If you just play a couple of games now and then it can be hard to remember how well you have been doing.

Once you know your Win Loss Record you can start to track it and see how you are improving in Fifa over time. You have to take into consideration that as you move up the Divisions in Ultimate Team, the players you play against will get better. If you are improving your W/L ratio while moving up the divisions you’re likely becoming a much better player.

How Is Your Record In Fifa Ultimate Team Calculated?

In Fifa Ultimate team every game you play will count towards your WDL record. If you get a win it will go towards the win tally, if you draw it will go towards the draw tally and if you lose it will go towards the lose tally.

If you forfeit a match by quitting you will get a lose on your record.

If your opponent disconnects from the match the game will take the current score and give you a result based on the current score. The same will happen if you disconnect.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully you have now found your record in Fifa Ultimate team. Now that you can track how you are doing, you can compare yourself against your friends and competition. Let us know what your current win loss is down in the comments as well as where you want to get it to.

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