Warzone 2 is here and Repullze has dived right in. He’s currently climbing the ranks on Twitch and dominating loobies in Warzone.

It’s safe to say he knows a thing or two when it comes to creating loadouts. In this article, we are going to take a look at Repullze’s top loadouts he is currently using.

We all know that it is essential to have a top-tier loadout. Having the current meta allows you to win more gunfights and ultimately win more games.

Repullze Best SMG Loadout In Warzone 2

He has been using the FSS hurricane as his go-to SMG in Warzone 2. It’s the perfect weapon in those close-quarters situations with an extremely high rate of fire and high damage.

FSS Hurricane Overview

If you want one of the best run and gun classes in Warzone you’re in the right place. The FSS Hurricane is a new addition to Call Of Duty in the SMG category.

How To Unlock FSS Hurricane

To unlock the FSS Hurricane in Modern Warfare 2 you need to rank up the M4 to level 13. You will then unlock the FTAC Recon which you will have to rank up to level 16. This will then unlock the FSS Hurricane.

Repullze FSS Hurricane Loadout In Warzone 2

Repullze Best Warzone 2 Loadouts
LaserFSS OLE-V Laser
MuzzleLock shot KT85
UnderbarrelCommando Foregrip
Rear GripPhantom Grip
StockDemo Quicksilver Stock
Repullze FSS Hurricane Loadout

Best Battle Rifle Warzone 2 Loadouts

Unlike most streamers who are using the TAQ-56, Repullze has been using the Battle Rifle TAQ-V as his main long-range weapon in Warzone 2. With the attachments he is using, this thing melts enemies at range.

TAQ-V Loadout In Warzone 2

Repullze Taq-V Loadout Warzone 2
Repullze TAQ-V Loadout Warzone 2
Barrel18″ Precision-6 Barrel
UnderbarrelPhase-3 Grip
Magazine50 round Drum
StockTactique Brute Stock
TAQ-V Loadout Warzone 2

Best LMG Loadout In Warzone 2

Many streamers have been picking up the RPK as their go-to LMG in Warzone 2. We have seen JGOD, Speros and Zlaner use it in their loadouts. It acts more like an Assault Rifle rather than an LMG and you get the benefit of the massive magazine.

RPK Loadout In Warzone 2

Repullze RPK Loadout Warzone 2
UnderbarrelFTAC Ripper 56
Ammunition7.62 High Velocity
Rear GripTrue-Tac Grip
OpticAim OP-V4
Repullze RPK Loadout In Warzone 2

Wrapping Up

Those are the main weapons Repullze has been using in Warzone 2. Give them a try and see how you like them. We have no doubt you will increase your kills per game and hopefully even pick up a few more wins in Warzone 2.

Check out other streamers loadouts:
