Twitch is one of the best live streaming platforms today and so a lot of aspiring streamers want to dive into the platform immediately. Surely, setting it up is easy. But there are tools that you need to know to make your stream more stable.

Twitch Inspector is a freeware that will help you diagnose, troubleshoot, and test the stability of your stream. This software will allow you to test your stream without going live. It also prevents you from sending a notification to your followers whenever you are testing your stream.

That being said, we are here to guide you on how to use Twitch Inspector.

How To Use Twitch Inspector

Follow these steps to set up Twitch Inspector easily.

  1. Visit the Twitch Inspector website at or Click Here.
  2. Click on Login with Twitch.
  1. Make sure that it is your account then click on Authorize.
  1. Once inside the Twitch Inspector dashboard, click on Run A Stream Test.
  1. The Run A Stream Test pop-up will appear.
  2. Click on the Twitch Dashboard to get your stream key.
  1. Your Twitch Dashboard will open in a new tab. Click on Stream Settings on the left side of your screen.
  1. Click Copy to get your stream key.
  1. The next step is to open your OBS. Click on Settings on the lower right side of your OBS screen.
  1. Head on to the Stream Settings. Select Twitch on the drop-down menu. Choose your preferred Server or leave it at Auto. Then paste the stream key that you copied from your Twitch Dashboard.
  1. Type the “?bandwidthtest=true” (without the quotes) after your stream key. Click Apply, then Okay.
  1. Click on Start Streaming on your OBS.
  1. Go back to Twitch Inspector then click Close.
  2. The Twitch Inspector dashboard will now show your stream’s bitrate, frame rate (0 during a test stream), and Twitch server.
  1. Click on the graph on the graph on the right to know more about your stream details. The average bitrate, average framerate, stability, resolution, and other details are now easily viewable.
  1. If you are done with your test stream, head back to OBS then click on Stop Streaming.
  2. Go back to the OBS Stream Settings then delete “?bandwidthtest=true” from your Stream Key. Once you go live, it will now show up on your main Twitch channel instead of Twitch Inspector.

What Is The Best Twitch Stream Bitrate

Twitch can accommodate a maximum bitrate of 6,000 Kbps. However, there are a lot of Twitch streamers who set it lower at around 4,500 Kbps. Ultimately, there is no best Twitch Stream bitrate because it is on a case-to-case basis.

The advantage of having a high bitrate is a high-quality stream. But there is a downside to it.

High-bitrate streams take a toll on your connection and your viewer’s connection too. If their network cannot process the high bitrate immediately, your stream will stutter on their end. In the end, they might leave your stream due to stutters.

A lower bitrate sacrifices a little bit of stream quality but it processes quicker for you and your viewer. The upside to this is they have a smoother and more stable viewing experience and they might stay longer on your stream.

The bitrate may also depend on the game that you are streaming. If you are playing fast-paced games then a high bitrate stream would benefit from it. But for casual games such as chess or even a live interview, a 1,500 – 3,000 Kbps stream would suffice.

Constant Bitrate vs Variable Bitrate

There is an option on OBS that lets you choose between Constant Bitrate (CBR) or Variable Bitrate (VBR). If you are streaming on Twitch, CBR is the better option.

CBR lets you stream at a constant bit rate. It is more stable for you and your viewers. Just set your stream to your preferred bitrate and you are all set.

On the other hand, choosing VBR changes the bitrate depending on what is shown on the screen. The bitrate gets down during load screens or stream pauses and when you come back, the bitrate spikes back up.

The result of VBR to the viewer is an inconsistent stream that either plays out smoothly or stutters every time the bitrate gets higher or lower.

Why Should You Use Twitch Inspector

There are several benefits to using Twitch Inspector but the most important one of all is the ability to troubleshoot your stream easily. All you have to do is to follow the steps above and you can check for errors, instabilities, and stream problems.

Moreover, knowing your broadcast health will let you know if you have a low internet bandwidth or if have an excessively high bitrate. It will also show up network problems and possible network path errors.

Both bitrate dips and bitrate spikes are also present in the Twitch Inspector graph.

Besides those, you may also review your previous streams from the past seven days. This will allow you to check if there are constant problems that appear consistently on parts of your stream.

What Is Twitch Dashboard Analytics

Twitch Dashboard Analytics is a built-in Twitch tool that will provide you instant feedback for your stream. It will show different metrics such as views. In turn, you can plan your future streams depending on the success of your past activities.

Think of Twitch Inspector as the backend of your stream. It determines the quality of your stream through consistent bit rates and a smooth stream.

On the other hand, Twitch Dashboard Analytics is more of an overview of your live views, Twitch subs, and new follows.

So why should you check your Twitch Dashboard Analytics regularly?

This tool is free yet it provides you with a lot of information on what content works well with your audience. It is your content planning tool for successful future streams.

For example, you regularly stream Valorant and you tried to stream Stardew Valley. If your views dropped then it might mean that your followers prefer Valorant streams instead.

It is highly recommended that you check your Twitch Dashboard Analytics after every stream. This tool is free so make the most out of it.

Wrapping Up

Twitch Inspector is a useful tool that should be used alongside Twitch Dashboard Analytics. These tools are here to help you push your streaming career further and the best part is these tools are free.

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