Full NameJesse
Date of BirthMarch 20, 1990
Net Worth$3,600,000
Twitch Followers1,132,561
MoonMoon Streamer Bio

Who is MoonMoon?

MoonMoon is a popular streamer on Twitch that started off streaming Overwatch back in 2016. Since then he has amassed over 1.1 Million followers and currently streams everyday except Sundays.

Currently he streams a lot of different games on his channel with a focus on MMO/RPGs.

Let’s jump in and see how much he is making from his insane Twitch Career.

What Is MoonMoon Net Worth?

MoonMoon has an estimated net worth of approximately $3,600,000 from streaming on Twitch and creating Youtube content over the past few years. He is currently making an estimated $79,848 per month from Twitch & Youtube.

How Does MoonMoon Make Money?


Subs – Twitch Subs are split between the streamer and Twitch. New streamers are in a Tier 1 bracket and will get a 50/50 split making their subs worth $2.50. Once a streamer is pulling in enough views 1000+ per month they can re-negotiate their split to either a 60/40 split (Tier 2) or 70/30 (Tier 3) if they are really popular.

Bits -For every bit a streamer receives they get $0.01.

Ads – When streamers run ads on Twitch they make around $10-20 CPM depending on their contracts. This means they earn $10-20 per 1000 viewers on the stream when the ad runs.

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Ads -Youtube channels get paid per 1000 views (CPM). Usually in the gaming niche creators will make $2-7 CPM meaning they will get paid $2-7 for every 1000 views on their channel. However not all views are monetized due to ad blockers etc. Most channels get paid for around 80% of their views.

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How Much Does MoonMoon Make Per Month On Twitch?

MoonMoon makes approximately $97,173 per month directly from Twitch. This is broken down by the following:

Screengrab From Twitch Tracker

Subs – MoonMoon has 16,400 active subscribers as of November 2022 according to Twitchtracker. This means he is earning approximately $3.50 x 16,400 = $57,400 from Twitch subs monthly as he is likely to have a 70/30 split with Twitch.

Ads – MoonMoon streamed for 182 hours last month with an average viewership of 11,997 viewers. If he runs an ad twice an hour at a $5 CPM he would make 364 x 5 x 12 = $21,840 per month from ads.

Donations & Bits – Donations and bits are harder to calculate as we don’t have any hard numbers to go off. We can see that his 10 biggest donations in Streamlabs for the month total $90. This is likely around 33% of his total Streamlabs donations meaning he pulls in an estimated $270 each month from donations.

Unfortunately we cannot see his bits donations but he probably pulls in something similar from them.

MoonMoon makes an estimate $540 per month in bit and streamlabs donations.

MoonMoon’s Other Income Sources

How Much Does MoonMoon Make On Youtube?

MoonMoon primarily makes money on Youtube through Adsense revenue. According to Socialblade last month he pulled in 34,345 views. If we break this down we can get an estimate of his Youtube revenue.

screengrab from socialblade

34,345 views/1000 = 34.3

34.3 x $2 CPM = $68.60 Per Month from Youtube Adsense.

MoonMoon is making approximately $68.60 from Youtube each month.

How Much Does MoonMoon Make From Merch?

MoonMoon does not currently seem to have any merch advertised on his Twitch channel.

MoonMoon makes an estimated $0 per month from merch.

How Much Does MoonMoon Make From Brand Deals?

MoonMoon does not appear to currently have any sponsorships on his Youtube channels.

MoonMoon makes an estimated $0 per month from brand deals.

Wrapping Up

MoonMoon is currently crushing it on Twitch and hopefully continues to do so long into the future. We wish him all the best.


Socialblade, TwitchTracker

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