If you have your own stream or are a moderator in a stream then you may be wondering what the most useful commands are for moderating a stream.

In this article we are going to outline the most useful commands for you to use and how you can use them.

The Best Twitch Native Commands For Moderators And Streamers

Below is a list of useful commands you can type directly in your Twitch chat that are useful for moderators and streamers. You can view all Twitch Native commands at Twitch Support. You do not need any 3rd party bots installed in your chat to use these commands.

/modsThis command will show a list of all chat moderators on the channel.
/vipsThis command will show a list of all VIPs for that specific channel.
/unblock {USERNAME}This command will allow you to remove users from your block list that you previously added.
/block {USERNAME}This command will allow you to block all messages from a specific user in chat and whispers.
/w {USERNAME} {MESSAGE}This command will send a private message to a specific user.
@{USERNAME}This allows you to direct a message at specific users.
/user {USERNAME}This allows you to pull up any viewers profile card
/timeout {USERNAME} [SECONDS]This allows you to temporarily ban a user from your chat. The default time is 10 minutes however you can adjust the seconds by adding them to the end of the command
/ban {USERNAME}This will ban the user from your chat indefinitely unless you decide to unban them
/unban {USERNAME}This will Unban a user who has been previously been banned
/slow [seconds]This allows you to set a limit on the time between messages for viewers in your chat room. E.G. Viewer can only send 1 message every 10 seconds
/slowoffThis allows you to disable the slow mode in chat
/followersThis command allows you or your mods to restrict chat to all or some of your followers, based on how long they’ve followed — from 0 minutes (all followers) to 3 months.
/subscribersThis allows only subs to talk in chat
/emoteonlyThis activates emote only chat
/emoteonlyoffThis disables emote only chat
/commercialRuns an ad on your channel
/mod {USERNAME}This allows you to promote a user in chat to a moderator of your chat
Twitch Commands

Useful Nightbot/Streamlabs/Cloudbot Commands

Lots of people use bots to help moderate their chat on Twitch. There are some useful commands you can put together to help you improve your stream. Having a bot on your channel allows you to


This allows users in your chat to see all the commands you have available in your stream. Below are some of the commands you can set up to improve your stream.

Title Change – !Title

This is a great command to use in your chat as it allows you or your moderators to change your title on the fly. If you are mid stream and want to update your title this is the fastest way to do it.

Game Change – !Game

If you are mid stream and switch games this is an easy command to quickly update it so people know the correct game you are playing. It also allows viewers to check the game you are currently playing.

Winner – !winner

If you want to run a giveaway on your channel and pick a random winner in your chat you can use the !winner command. This will select a random winner in chat.

Creating Your Own Commands

The commands above are a great place to start but these bots allow you to do so much more on your stream. Once you learn how to create your own commands you can come up with some creative ideas.

How To Create a Custom Command In Nightbot

To create a new command in Nightbot go to Commands –> Custom –> Add Command

You will then be presented with the screen below. This is where you design the command. Choose a name for your command. This is what users will type in to return a message.

The message section is what will return to the user when they type in the command. For example you may have a Youtube Command that displays your latest upload helping you pull in some more views.

You can get really complex with your commands by using variables. I’m not going to go into the specifics in this article but if you want more info you can check out the list of variables you can use on the Nightbot website.

Wrapping Up

Hopefully you have now set up the best commands for you and your moderators to help keep your chat engaged. If you want to checkout commands you can use for your viewers checkout our article 11 Commands You Needs On Your Twitch Stream.

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