There are a wide array of factors that go into an effective streaming setup. Often, streamers will focus on the background props and visual aesthetic of their feeds. But, did you know positioning your camera at a certain angle can make the difference between a successful stream and the opposite? 

In normal conversations with people, you may find yourself paying less attention if the person does not make eye contact with you. You might also notice that conversations while sitting down have the most impact compared to standing up because it gets rid of any notable height difference.

By taking these key tips on how to hold meaningful conversations, this article will cover all the basics of achieving an effective stream on Twitch or Youtube using the best camera angle for streaming. Let’s get right to it then!

What Is the Best Camera Angle for Streaming?

The best camera angle for streaming is placing your camera in direct alignment with your eyes. The camera frame should capture your face and the upper part of your body. You want to also look at the lens of the camera when streaming, and not the screen, or your computer. 

Ideally, an external webcam will help you achieve repositioning your camera to the best angle, but if you’re using a built-in camera, then you can adjust where you stand or sit in relation to the device. These essential tips help you achieve three important things while streaming. 

An eye-level camera setup prevents you from looking more or less prominent to your viewers. Capturing your face and upper part of your body helps your viewers see you and not your background. Lastly, looking at the lens helps you make eye contact with your viewers which helps assert confidence and trust. 

How to Position Your Camera to Get the Best Camera Angles

As we’ve seen, making eye contact, and cutting out height differences can make the difference between a successful stream, and one that isn’t. Here are steps to help you achieve great camera angles for your stream on Youtube or Twitch.

1. Place your camera in direct alignment with your eyes

It is recommended to place your camera at eye level for every streaming session. If your camera is placed too low, your stream may end up capturing videos up your nose that is not too flattering. It also comes off awkward, as you may notice from taking selfies. On the other hand, if the camera is placed too high, then it captures your forehead. 

The ideal angle is to capture an evenly distributed part of your face which is achieved by placing your camera at eye level. Feel free to use a stack of books or boxes to build up a higher camera standing point, and find a good eye-level position that works best for you. Here’s a possible angle for a camera placed at eye level.

2. Adjust your camera to capture your face and the upper part of your body

To achieve the best view of yourself while streaming, you want to find a balance between placing your camera too close or too far from you. The focus of the stream should be you, and not your background, so achieving the best view of your facial expressions and composition is paramount. 

It is recommended to make sure the frame of your camera captures your face and the upper part of your body for the best outcome. Here’s a possible angle of a camera that captures the face and upper part of the body:

3. Place your camera where it feels natural to look into the lens of the camera while streaming

The general rule of thumb to hold a meaningful conversation with people is to make eye contact with them. To do this, you need to make sure that you place your camera where it feels natural to look at the lens of the camera while streaming. 

You may need to glance at your computer screen if you’re viewing comments in real-time or grab a glass of water. So, make sure that where you place your camera feels natural for glancing at these items and going back to looking at the lens of the camera. 

What is the Best Camera Angle for a Double-monitor setup?

Placing the camera on top of the monitor, and adjusting its position in direct alignment with your eyes is the easiest way to go. However, you can choose to set up your camera in between the two monitors and adjust it to eye level. 

Feel free to use a tripod, a stack of books, or a stable box to keep the camera in place. Placing your camera in between two monitors helps it feel more natural to look into the lens of the camera while streaming as you glance from one monitor to the other. 

What is the Best Camera Angle for a Tripod?

A tripod is a great way to adjust the position of an external camera. It is recommended to place the tripod in front of you, and adjust the camera to eye level. You can also place it in between monitors if you’re using more than one. The trick is to play around with adjusting the camera’s position until you’ve achieved an eye-level angle that feels natural to look into the lens of the camera while streaming.

What is the Best Camera Angle that Gives the Best Lighting?

With natural lighting, you can achieve a high-quality stream. You only need to make sure that your camera is not placed in front of direct sunlight. To achieve the best outcome, make sure to avoid sitting in front of a window. 

Alternatively, you can place your camera in between two decent, adjustable lights on either side of the camera. This helps to light up your face without creating shadows. 

Wrapping Up

And there you go, these are everything you need to know about achieving the best camera angle while streaming. With these essential tips, viewers are more likely to gain confidence in your streaming content. 

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