If you want to increase the production value of your stream, using the Studio mode feature makes switching scenes much easier. Studio mode on Streamlabs will let you view your upcoming scene before you transition to the next one. This is great for avoiding mistakes and having more complex scene setups.

Let’s jump in and take a look at where you can find the Studio Mode and how to use it.

Where Is Studio Mode In Streamlabs

If you are familiar with OBS Studio you might be wondering where you can find the studio feature in Streamlabs.

The Studio button is located on the bottom left hand panel in Streamlabs. You can see it highlighted in the image below.

When you click this button once it enables studio mode. When you click it again you will go back into standard Streamlabs mode.

How Studio Mode Works In Streamlabs

Now we are going to take a look at how Studio mode works in Streamlabs. When you enter Studio mode you will now have two screens visible instead of one. One is called edit and the other is called Live. What exactly does each of these screens do?

Edit Screen

The edit screen in the studio isn’t showing live to your audience. You can make changes to this scene and make sure everything looks correct before transitioning it to a live scene. You can also freely swap scenes here to decide what you want your next scene to be. This scene switching is behind the scenes and won’t be seen by your audience.

Live Screen

The Live screen is what is currently being sent to your streaming platform. This is what is being seen by your audience.

How To Use Studio Mode In Streamlabs

In Studio mode when you click on a scene it will move into your Edit section. Normally in OBS when you click a scene it would go live instantly to your audience. Studio is essentially adding an extra step in so you can make sure you aren’t making any mistakes.

Once you have decided what scene you want to appear next in your edit panel, you click on the Transition button. This sends the scene that was in your Edit panel Live to your audience.

You can see how this works in the GIF below.

Make Scene Switching Easier With Hotkeys

If you are going to use studio mode as a solo streamer I would recommend using hotkeys. You can do this with a stream deck or a cheaper option is to use a Number pad.

Assign each scene a key. Assign a key to your transition button. This means that you can flick between your scenes easily using your stream deck and then when you have the correct scene, that you want to go live, you can click the transition hot key. This will send this scene live to your audience.

I would recommend checking out our full guide to setting up hot keys.

Adding Transitions To Your Scenes

If you ware regularly switching between lots of scenes, adding transitions is a great way to make it easier on the eye. You can use the default transitions provided by Streamlabs or purchase transitions online. If you want to learn more about transitions check out our full guide to custom transitions.

Wrapping Up

You should now be able to utilise Studio mode in Streamlabs to enhance the quality of your stream. Let use know in the comments how you use this feature to get more creative on stream.

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