If you are looking to stream with friends or do interviews then discord is a great option. But how do you add your friend’s camera to your scene in OBS or Streamlabs? If you are doing a Co-Op stream seeing your friend’s faces and reactions to what is happening in the stream definitely add’s entertainment value.

In this article, we are going to go step by step through how you can add discord video to Streamlabs and OBS Studio. Let’s jump in.

How To Add Discord Video To Streamlabs

For this tutorial, we will already assume that you have your camera added to your scene directly as a source. The next thing we need to do is add your friend’s camera to your scene.

Step 1 – Add Your Discord As A Window Capture

Go to the scene where you want to add your friend’s camera and navigate to sources –> + –> Window Capture.

Adding Window Capture In Streamlabs

Once you have selected window capture click on “Add Source”. Select new source and give your new source a name then click on “Add Source” again.

Here we can select Discord as the window we want to capture. In the window dropdown select [Discord.exe]: General – Discord.

Discord Window Capture In Streamlabs
Discord Window Capture In Streamlabs

In Discord make sure that you are on your call and can see your friend’s camera in the Discord window. Select done and the discord window will now be added to your scene.

Step 2 – Crop The Discord Window To Show Friends Camera

Now that we have the discord scene inside Streamlabs we want to crop the scene so that we can only see our friends camera.

Crop Discord Window Capture

To do this select the icons on the side of the discord scene, hold ALT and drag inwards to crop. Check out this full tutorial on how to crop if you are unsure.

You can then position your friend on the screen wherever you feel is best and potentially even add a stream overlay to their camera to really make your stream look great.

If you are adding your friend’s cameras to OBS Studio you can follow the exact steps we have laid out above. Just add a window capture device and crop it to size inside OBS Studio.

How To Add Multiple Discord Cameras To Streamlabs/OBS Studio

To add multiple cameras you can use the same method outlined above. Just add a window capture for each person that you want to add to the scene. This is a great way to record a podcast or stream a podcast live on Youtube or Twitch.

How To Add Discord Audio To Streamlabs/OBS Studio

If you are unable to hear your Discord chat inside Streamlabs then you may have to make some adjustments to your audio settings. We have put together a full tutorial on how to enable discord voice chat inside Streamlabs. Check it out if your stream are having trouble hearing your friends.

Wrapping Up

You should now be able to add your friends to your Streamlabs and OBS Scenes. Your stream should appreciate this unique view on your stream. I would highly recommend doing this for a Co-Op game as it allows your audience to see both or multiple of your reactions at the same time without having to pull up multiple streams.

It also makes your recording highlights more interesting if you want to later create clips from your stream. Enjoy streaming with your friends!

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